Abstract Submission
1. Guidelines and Instructions
You are invited to submit original abstracts by May 15th, 2025 in any of the following conference scientific topics:
Decarbonization of energy systems – Leonardo Tognotti, Enrico Tronconi
Safe and sustainable engineering solutions for environmental systems – Valerio Cozzani, Onofrio Scialdone
Engineering targeted and accessible medicine – Pier Luca Maffettone, Elisa Cimetta
Flexible manufacturing and the circular economy – Nino Grizzuti, Maurizio Masi
Engineering solutions for sustainable food and feed – Francesco Donsì, Patrizia Perego
Chemical engineering in the digital era – Chiara Galletti, Daniele Marchisio
Chemical Engineering Education – Fabrizio Bezzo, Alessandro Galia
2. Abstract format
Abstracts can be submitted for Oral or Poster presentations.
Please note that selecting oral will not ensure that your abstract is considered for oral presentation. As presentation slots are limited your abstract may be reallocated for poster presentation.
3. How to prepare your abstract
Please prepare your one-page abstract (400 words) for GRICU2025 – Challenging Chemical Engineering according to this template.
The abstract should give an overview of the research, its purpose, methodology, main results in relation to the current state of the art, with the aim of locating the research group’s contribution in the broad field of chemical engineering, rather than focusing too much on specific achievements
>>Abstracts must be written in English and submitted as PDF file ONLY in A4 format, using the online submission form
>>Title should be written in 14 points Calibri bold; the Authors in 12 points Calibri and the Affiliations in 11 points.
>>The body of the text should be written in 12 points Calibri, and the entire abstract must fit on one single A4 page (210×297mm) with standard margins of 2.0 cm on all sides. The paragraph and line spacing should be 3 points and single, respectively. Authors are encouraged to limit the use of references in the abstract. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention.
>>The abstract may include tables and figures within the one-page limit.
>>Please provide 3-6 keywords immediately after the main part of the abstract.
4. How to submit your abstract
Prepare your PDF file (do not exceed 4 MB) using the template.
The organizers will not be responsible for any missing or mistyped name in the program.
When the text is ready, go on the online form and follow the steps below:
>>Fill in the details of the Submitter.
>>Fill in with accuracy the Name and Family Name, Department, Hospital/University/Company city, country and email address of the submitter and of all authors
>>Do not forget to check the appropriate box to indicate the name of the presenting author
>>Select the preferred type of presentation (Oral, Poster)
>>Select the topic
>>Type the abstract’s title
>>Choose your file and click on the button “upload”
>>Press the button SAVE. You will see a summary of the information that you have digited
Notification and password
At the end of the process, the submitter will receive by email the confirmation of submission, together with a username and a password. Authors can login anytime into the abstract submission system and make all changes to the abstract, till the deadline.
Notification of Abstract Submission will be send to the Submitter by 30 June, 2025.
The abstracts, after the review process, cannot be changed anymore.
NOTE: Abstracts submitted by email or not in accordance with the guidelines will NOT be accepted.
5.Registration of the Presenting Author
All abstract presenters are required to register to attend the Conference by the Early Bird deadline, no later than 30 June, 2025.
If they have not registered by this date their abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the program and from the abstracts book without any further notice.